Forward Podcast: Michelle Holigroski

June 11, 2018

Michelle is a research biologist passionate about making a positive difference in Winnipeg. She has been dubbed a ‘social media influencer’ and is the go-to source for all things local. She is a board member for Shakespeare in the Ruins, supports Winnipeg Harvest, Manitoba Women in Agriculture and Food, the Winnipeg Art Gallery and the Experimental Lakes Area. She loves all things Winnipeg and fills her social media channels with positivity and beautiful sunrise photos of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.

Michelle is the proud creator of the Winnipeg version of ‘Where’s Waldo’. With the help of Constance Popp Chocolates and the famed #PoppaGnome (5:00). This 21-day project took place all around Winnipeg and showcased a variety of local businesses in an inventive way. Participants emailed their guesses in for a chance to win the ultimate prize, chocolate!

In addition to this whimsical project, Michelle recently spoke at a TEDxWinnipegSalon and discussed the Butterfly Effect of Positivity (7:24). This talk explained how small, positive actions can have a ripple effect in your own community and change someone’s life. Essentially, when you open up your eyes to this - you are easily able to see the impact of your actions, as well as others. Community involvement and volunteering come with a natural high, proven by Michelle’s research for her talk. The ‘alterior motive’ becomes addicting and it’s a great way to give back - “being nice is its own reward”.

Michelle runs a lunchtime walking club (10:27) to encourage activity and utilize the benefits from positive health benefits associated with exercise; both physical and mental. She often draws motivation and insight from ParticipACTION. When it comes to keeping her job, activities and life in general organized, she keeps it simple (13:40); she makes lists! Looks like it’s back to pen and paper for me… Michelle is #GOALS!

You can find Michelle online:  
Instagram and Twitter 

Show hosted by Karly Tardiff - @Karly_Tardiff on Instagram and Twitter 
Show produced by Ryan Spencer - @r_spence on Instagram and @Spensyuk94 on Twitter

Forward is a Funding Change Podcast - @FundingChangeCa on Instagram and Twitter

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