Forward Podcast: Melissa Penner - Made Here Store

December 24, 2018

Today we chat with Melissa Penner, co-founder of the Made Here store. Made Here features one of a kind items from over 100 Manitoba makers with 10 percent of all the proceeds goes to four local children’s charities: 

-The Dream Factory

-Snowflake Place

-Art City

-JA Manitoba

Melissa filled us in on how the store came to be, what kind of items Made Here stocks and what charities the store supports.

The Made Here Shop can be found on Instagram and online here:

Show hosted by Karly Tardiff - @Karly_Tardiff on Instagram and Twitter 
Show produced by Ryan Spencer - @r_spence on Instagram and @Spensyuk94 on Twitter

Forward is a Funding Change Podcast - @FundingChangeCa on Instagram and Twitter

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