By Funding Change team on Nov 14, 2018 10:18:39 AM
November 14, 2018
Laura Mikuska is the President of the Mikuska Group, has extensive experience in fundraising, fund development, and governance and has helped social impact and cultural organizations of all sizes achieve their potential.
She is a member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals and strictly adheres to their Code of Ethical Principles and Standards of Professional Practice.
Mikuska Group is a member of the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce where Laura is past co-chair of the Ambassadors Program and recipient of the Volunteer of the Year Award for 2015.
On this week's episode, we explored facts and myths surrounding the 'Social Impact Sector', why donors donate (and why they might not!) and how organizations can utilize technology in their fundraising efforts.
Laura can be found online here and on Twitter.
Links to materials mentioned
Jeff Brooks: The Fundraiser’s Guide to Irresistible Communications
How to Turn Your Words into Money
Show hosted by Karly Tardiff - @Karly_Tardiff on Instagram and Twitter
Forward is a Funding Change Podcast - @FundingChangeCa on Instagram and Twitter
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