By Funding Change team on Aug 6, 2018 9:00:00 AM
August 7, 2018
On today's episode, we chat with Jordan Cieciwa, a health and adventure advocate who changes corporate cultures for a living through productivity and focused happiness. His simple tips are easy to implement TODAY and will have a lifelong impact on positively changing your health.
Jordan has an extensive background in athletic training -from leisure to professional- which has allowed him to realize the importance of making time to incorporate physical activity into every day and make it a priority in organizations around Winnipeg. His 'Fit City Project' initiative aims to create a healthier Winnipeg by incorporating local food producers, fitness facilities and of course, the people who live and work in Winnipeg.
Jordan actively supports non-profits around the city. His current 'Strong + Free' t-shirt campaign benefits Siloam Mission, The Polar Bear Fund, The Society for Manitobans with Disabilities and Hull’s Haven Dog Rescue.
You can find Jordan on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
Show hosted by Karly Tardiff - @Karly_Tardiff on Instagram and Twitter
Show produced by Ryan Spencer - @r_spence on Instagram and @Spensyuk94 on Twitter
Forward is a Funding Change Podcast - @FundingChangeCa on Instagram and Twitter
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